
发布于 2015年2月25日

Divided from the Western part of the town by the River Neisse and, therefore, for a long time also by the Iron Curtain, Gubin is today a symbol of German-Polish renewable energy cooperation thanks to a PV plant. In 2014, the 1.8MW Elektrownia Fotowoltaiczna Gubin photovoltaic plant turned the Polish town into the home of Poland's largest solar power installation. 

Economic: the Powador 60.0 TL3 XL solar PV inverters

Smart Green Systems Sp z o.o built the plant. In order to feed the energy generated by about 7,000 REC 260 PE modules into the grid with as little effort as possible, the installers decided to rely on 30 of the Powador 60.0 TL3 XL solar PV inverters. After all, the XL version includes the string collector with string fuse and surge protection. Owing to the soft ground on the damp terrain near the flood area of the River Neisse, Smart Green Systems also took the opportunity of hanging the inverters on a rack underneath the modules.

Solar power for one-tenth of the population

Messrs. Przedsiębiorstwo Energetyczne Gubin Sp z o.o., the operators, are expecting an annual yield of 1,500MWh, which roughly corresponds to the electricity requirements of 800 households. Even if 1.8MW does not appear very much in comparison to the former photovoltaic hot spots, it still supplies a good 10% of the population of Gubin with solar power.

来源: KACO

