SolarWorld AG扩张其在阿恩施塔特电池片生产规模

发布于 2015年3月16日

SolarWorld AG will expand its production in Arnstadt, Germany, by manufacturing solar mono-crystals. In addition, the group will upgrade all of its solar cell production lines to manufacture highly efficient PERC cells. Dr.-Ing. E. h. Frank Asbeck, CEO of SolarWorld, made this announcement on the occasion of the first anniversary of SolarWorld Industries Thüringen in Arnstadt. 

Today, production of solar cells and modules in Arnstadt is running at full capacity, and 830 jobs have been preserved in solar manufacturing. The addition of crystal production will create about 60 jobs. The annual production capacity of mono-crystals in Arnstadt is expected gradually to grow to about 500MW, beginning in the second quarter of 2015. SolarWorld's production site in Freiberg, Germany, will cut the silicon ingots into wafers.

In parallel, SolarWorld will expand the PERC technology (passivated emitter rear contact) of a pilot line in Arnstadt to the site's entire cell production of 700MW. 

Asbeck: "Solar technology is about quality and maximum power efficiency. In both areas, we will further expand our leadership position. We thus consistently focus on our production in Germany and the United States. With new crystal production in Arnstadt, we will extend the vertical range of our value chain. Only sites operating under maximum quality, environmental and social standards, with qualified personnel and at advanced levels of automation can achieve top quality. That's what our customers expect from us."

