Gehrlicher Solar罗马尼亚9兆瓦光伏电站竣工

发布于 2013年7月4日

Gehrlicher Solar SMA 晶科能源控股有限公司
July 3, 2013 - The three solar parks are located approximately 360km north-west of Bucharest and built on almost 19 hectares overall. Just six weeks after the start of construction all three solar parks have been completed. These investments are supported through the Romanian promotion of energy production from renewable sources with green certificates over the following 15 years.

For the installation, Gehrlicher Solar used its substructure GehrTec Base that is suitable for any terrain. The flexible mounting system that is customized to the local territory is distinguished by its high load-bearing ability and its superior resistance to corrosion.

36,168 modules manufactured by Jinko were used for the construction of the plants and SMA produced the nine central inverters to convert solar power into grid-compatible direct current. Each of the three solar power systems will produce around four million kilowatt hours of environmentally friendly electricity yearly. Compared to electricity generated from fossil fuels, the plants will save approximately 10,500 tons of CO2 annually altogether.

"The very successful realization of our first Romanian project with 9MWp in Isaccea last November gave us the chance to convince the investor early on with our rapid realization capability and high reliability. Therefore, we are very pleased to have been awarded the contract for the design and construction of three additional solar parks in Romania”, explains Klaus Gehrlicher, CEO of Gehrlicher Solar AG.

In addition to these solar power plants there are two subsequent projects of about 2.5MWp each under construction in Brasov. After the successful implementation of these further systems, Gehrlicher Solar will reach a total installed capacity of more than 23MWp in Romania.

