• 中国大陆


    2014年6月10日 - 中利科技10日公告称,公司海南子公司共150兆瓦电站项目获得发改委核准开展前期工作。公司称,中利科技子公司中利腾晖海南电力有限公司收到青海省发改委出具的关于同意中利腾晖海南电力有限公司开展共和四期50兆瓦并网光伏发电项目前期工作的函。
  • 瑞士 中国大陆


    June 9, 2014 - ReneSola today announced it has forged a partnership with SolarMax and has finalized its first order of SolarMax inverters to Black Rock Solar.
  • 日本


    2014年6月9日 - 日本欧力士公司6月4日宣布,将在三重县津市的一处废弃高尔夫球场,建设使用太阳能电池板的直流输出功率约为51兆瓦的光伏电站。三重县津市是位于日本屈指可数的年日照量充沛的地区,非常适合开展光伏发电业务。
  • 美国

    SunEdison携手Hecate Energy建设洛杉矶250兆瓦光伏项目

    2014年6月9日 - 洛杉矶水电局(LADWP)日前批准300兆瓦的太阳能开发协议。该协议包括将建设在科恩郡的250兆瓦Beacon项目以及50兆瓦的市中心太阳能项目,其将根据LADWP的上网电价补贴计划获得款项。该协议于周二签署。
  • 美国


    June 4, 2014 - SunPower has been selected by NV Energy to build a 19MW solar photovoltaic power system at Nellis Air Force Base in Nevada. The system is expected to be constructed next year, contingent on contract approval by Nevada's Public Utilities Commission. 
  • 美国


    June 6, 2014 - President Michelle Bachelet of Chile inaugurated the Amanecer Solar CAP plant in Copiapo today. The project was developed, built and interconnected by SunEdison, under an offtake agreement with CAP Group.
  • 美国 德国


    June 4, 2014 - Sungevity today announced a partnership with E.ON Benelux, under which Sungevity will offer its turnkey solar energy service to E.ON's base of customers in the Netherlands on a co-branded basis. The partnership is expected to expand to other European countries in the near future and is part of Sungevity's increased focus on international expansion, which is expected to include a full range of marketing initiatives and strategic partnerships in targeted markets around the globe.
  • 葡萄牙

    Martifer Solar拟在英国新建100兆瓦光伏项目

    June 5, 2014 - Martifer Solar has unveiled a new pipeline of 100MW of solar PV projects in development in the United Kingdom.
  • 美国

    KDC Solar新泽西9.95兆瓦光伏电站投入运营

    June 5, 2014 - KDC Solar LLC has commenced commercial operations of its 9.95MW solar panel system in New Jersey. The system will provide electricity to Eli Lilly and Company's ImClone biopharmaceutical operations in Branchburg.
  • 挪威 美国


    June 5, 2014 - REC Group and SolarCity today announced a supply agreement under which SolarCity will purchase a minimum of 100MW and up to 240MW of REC's Peak Energy solar panels during a 12 month period beginning in Q4 2014. SolarCity plans to install the solar panels across its 15-state service territory. The solar panels are compatible with SolarCity's Zep Solar mounting system - REC and ZEP Solar entered into an technology licensing agreement earlier this year.